Saturday, January 18, 2014

bedtime bath salts deaux deaux mix

yes  i am from South 
I  no longer live there , but the slang will be with me for life!

My 4 yr old loves to soak in the tub as much as i do.... so we mixed up a bath batch to keep on the shelf in her bathroom. 

apple cinnamon bath soak

this one is more then my regular bath salts.
The addition of corn startch, dry milk, and ground oats help this be a moisturizing soak.
exellent for winter baths.

cellulite magic body oil

 love this ! i have been using it for 

Two weeks and have noticed drastic results on my thighs and lower abdomen.
i formulted this by reading the ingredient list on Young living's website for 
Cel-lite Magic massage oil. 
I then searched my oil collection and used what i could find that was on the list. i do not know the quantities they use in thier blend. so i decided to try this!

diy dry scalp treatment

brush hair well with a stiff bristle brush. this will loosen flaky skin and ensure close application of treatment

homemade all natural KP Ointment aka chicken skin

 try to recycle as much as i can! so anything glass with a lid gets reused. this was a gifted candle so i do not know where it was purchased., but it was a well know brand.

Our daughter did get this from her hubbies side of the family. so i had no previous knowledge of how to treat

But when the pediatrician wanted me to use an acne body wash that had the active ingrediants that used to be in a popular cream that was no longer being produced.... i went on a research quest....and with as much as i love coconut oil... i decided to use it as my base. with all of the skin healing benefits of myrrh and grapefruit....they had to be included. the tagetes is used in european skin i decidd to add it in.
make sure your container is cleaned out. i used 1/2 cup Coconut oil and 10 drops of each young living oil. .

i placed the 1/2 c co in my container and placed in a sauce pan with an inch of water... heated over med low till co was melted. i removed from heat and added Essential oils mixed well and placed in the fridge to cool..

once almost completely solid i placed one mixer attachment to my hand mixer . inserted into co and whipped for about 4 mins.

we have been using ths mixture for 2 weeks before bed and have only one to two bumps per arm left.... this has been amazing and will be a staple in our home! might have to use a woodsy oil to get hubby to use it as
I love the smell but he thinks its to light..

Thursday, December 12, 2013